03 July 2010

Writing Prompt: Off the Road

Imagine this: someone has driven off the road in their car and hit a tree in a field. It's miles from anywhere, it's dark and there are no lights on in the car to make it visible to passing drivers.
There's a passenger who is unconscious and the driver has to act quickly in order to get help.

1) Come up with five or more ways for the driver to stop a passing vehicle for each:

a) the driver is a teenager
b) the driver is middle-aged
c) the driver is old and frail

2) Using the same characters: it's daytime and the driver is stuck in the car.

For the first one, the most obvious - running in front of the approaching vehicle and waving hands is not allowed. Don't forget different levels of injury and considering options for who the passing driver might be!
Next step: who is the passenger and what has happened between the driver and the passenger during the past 24 hours.

Good luck!

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